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Weight Loss Tip -
Understand the Scientific Principles that Govern Your Body

Whether you like it or not your body is governed by the laws of nature just like everything else in the world so if you want to have success in losing weight then you better learn how your body works and understand the basic scientific principles that affect weight loss. The most important principle relating to weight loss is that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but only transferred. The food you eat contains energy which is transferred to your body when you eat a meal and is either immediately used for fuel or stored in the body. The reason we gain weight is because we take in more energy than immediately required by the body which will store any surplus for future usage. Conversely, if you want to lose weight then you MUST take in fewer calories than your body requires every day for fuel so that your body is forced to use your stored energy for fuel. This is commonly known as a Negative Caloric Balance and this is the ONLY way anyone ever loses weight. It does not matter what kind of diet or exercise program you try for weight loss if you are not able to achieve a negative caloric balance then you are not going to lose any weight. Simple put, you must burn a greater amount of calories for energy every day than the amount of calories you ingest each day from food or you will never lose any weight. This is how the body works and nothing anyone says or does is going to change this fact so if you want to achieve real weight loss success then make sure that whatever you are doing for weight loss is consistent with this principle.

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