WeightLossFatLoss.US - Your Complete Source For Weight Loss

About WeightLossFatLoss.US

In 2004, "after hearing so many lies and distortions from the government and others about issues important to everyone'ss health," author Ben D. Kennedy felt compelled to write Why Is America So FAT? to "try to do something to help people to know the truth." The book was an immediate success and garnered national attention from the media for exposing some of the fraud and corruption in the health care system.
Listen to some of Ben's Radio Broadcastes Here
It quickly became apparent to Ben that there was a great need for complete information about weight loss otherwise most people would continue to struggle for a solution. WeightLossFatLoss.US was set up as an adjunct to Ben's site WhyIsAmericaSoFAT? to be a place on the Internet where people can find complete information about weight loss. The site continues to transform but is still the only place on the Internet where there is information about the political aspects of weight loss in addition to all the data about diet and exercise. On this website and only on this website you will learn the "truth about weight loss" and about the real reasons reasons why so many people struggle to lose weight and you will also find information about what really works works to promote weight loss regardless of whether or not it is politically correct.

"Learn the Truth and Live Healthy and FREE!"

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