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Weight Loss Tip -
Drink More Water for Weight Loss but Make sure it is Clean Water!

It is true that drinking more water can help you to lose weight however it is crucial that the water you drink is clean otherwise you may actually end up gaining weight due to the toxic chemicals contained in regular public drinking water. Surprised to hear that water can make you gain weight, well, it is a dirty little secret that the government does not like publicized but the public drinking water supply is actually very polluted and is loaded with high levels of prescription drugs many of which will cause you to gain weight. At least twenty years ago androgynous fish (having both male and female sex organs and characteristics) began to show up in the river Thames in London and after scientists investigated it was found to be caused by all the prescription birth control medications that were ending up in the river after being flushed into the sewage system from human excrement. The problem may even be worse in the United States as a study released in 2008 from an investigation done by the Associated Press showed that prescription drugs were found in the drinking water of at least 41 million Americans. (Source: FoxNewsOnline) What all this means to you is that if you want to successfully lose weight, and even more important maintain good health, then you better not drink public water. There is a simple solution to this problem and that is to drink only water that has been distilled. Yes, that's right, only drink distilled water because only the process of distillation is guaranteed to remove virtually all the toxic chemicals from water. You can find distilled water at any grocery store but do not be fooled by bottled drinking water because many have been shown to come from the public water supply which is exactly what you should be trying to avoid. Start drinking more distilled water and it will not only help you to lose weight but will also drastically improve your overall health.

1Dennis EA, et al. "Water consumption increases weight loss during a hypocaloric diet intervention in middle-aged and older adults." Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 Feb;18(2):300-7. Epub 2009 Aug 6.

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